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HDGraph 1.5.1: ready to use on Windows 10 ! PDF Print E-mail

HDGraph 1.5.1 has just been released with few improvements :

  • Ready-to-use on Windows 10 (and also on Windows 8/8.1) : HDGraph now uses .Net Framework v.4.5 (which is activated by default) instead of 3.5 (which required a manual activation). If you're still on Windows 7, you can either continue to use HDGraph v. 1.4.2, or install .Net Framework 4.5.x .
  • Some minor fixes (see the changelog)
You can download it from the download page as a simple zip file.
Windows XP is not supported anymore, but the previous version is still fully functional and can be downloaded on the download page


Last Updated on Tuesday, 11 August 2015 15:13
HDGraph 1.4.2 released : Windows 8 compatible and symlink support ! PDF Print E-mail

HDGraph 1.4.2 has just been released with few improvements :


  • Windows 8 compatibility (x86 and x64, thanks to AdamNCasey !
  • Now can exclude symbolic links, junction points, volume mount points.
You can download it from the download page as a simple zip file.
Despite the lack of few features available in 1.3, the version 1.4 is not in Beta stage anymore. 


Some bug fixes with HDGraph 1.4.1 PDF Print E-mail


Some minor bug fixes for this new version. Go the Changelog Page for more informations. 

Download it directly from the download page... and please : give us some feedback on the HDGraph forum ! Thanks !


Last Updated on Sunday, 09 January 2011 23:32
HDGraph 1.4 Beta is available ! PDF Print E-mail

Go the Changelog Page for more informations on new features.

Download it directly from the download page... and please : give us some feedback on the HDGraph forum ! Thanks !

HDGraph 1.4 Beta on Windows with the new WPF draw engine. HDGraph 1.4 Beta on Windows with the new WPF draw engine.
HDGraph 1.4 Beta on Windows with the new WPF draw engine.


HDGraph 1.4 Beta on Linux. HDGraph 1.4 Beta on Linux.
HDGraph 1.4 Beta on Linux.


Last Updated on Monday, 15 February 2010 02:37
HDGraph 1.4 : new scan engine, new design PDF Print E-mail

HDGraph 1.4 will be a major version of HDGraph, with :

  • a new High performance scan engine using the system native API (Windows only)
  • a new fast User Friendly interface (requires .NET 3.5) based on the WPF technology (with vector graphics) including Zoom, rotation, custom text size and printing support
  • other new features...
Here is a quick preview of a "nightly" version :

HDGraph 1.4 preview HDGraph 1.4 preview
Last Updated on Friday, 10 July 2009 22:20
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